The moon is a major arcana tarot card that depicts a wolf and a dog howling at the moon. In the background, we see two towers on either side of the moon and a body of water in the distance. Crawling from the water is a small crayfish. While this imagery might appear formidable, receiving the moon in a tarot reading isn’t always negative.
Moon Card Meaning
The other cards can influence the meaning of the moon tarot card around it in the reading. However, when the moon is presented in the upright position, it indicates deception is at foot. This could suggest that a close friend or loved one might lie or deceive you. On the other hand, it could also indicate that you’re in denial or not being honest with yourself.
When the moon appears in a tarot card reading in the reversed position, it signifies working through deception and denial. The moon, in reverse, invites you to liberate yourself from fears, anxieties, or even toxic relationships that are holding you back. This card in the reversed position reminds you that you are a robust and powerful being capable of breaking free from even the most toxic situations.
In a spiritual sense, the upright moon card can alert you to intuitive messages and downloads being communicated to you. The moon reversed urges you to meditate and connect with your innermost self to receive these messages. Ultimately, this card encourages you to trust your intuition and walk with confidence that your spirit guides are on your side.
Meaning for Love & Relationships
When the moon appears in a love reading, it can mean several things for your relationship. The moon upright can indicate cheating, lying, or emotional disconnect if you are in a committed relationship. It can also suggest that you might be feeling unfulfilled in the relationship.
The moon invites you to ponder your relationship and decide: is this the right person for you? Remember: your spirit guides communicate these important messages with you through tarot. The ultimate goal is to ensure you walk the path you’re destined for to achieve your life’s true purpose. Denying the toxicity of relationships or being too scared to walk away will surely do more harm than good. Put yourself and your future first - the moon insists upon it.
In the reverse position, the moon is a good omen for love and relationships. If you and your partner haven’t been able to see eye-to-eye, that period should close soon. On the other hand, the moon reversed could hint at your partner showing their true colors.
Meaning for Career & Finances
Have you struggled with choosing a career path or pursuing a job promotion? Perhaps you’re not happy with your job, but you’re scared to take steps to find new employment. The moon upright reminds you that serving yourself means prioritizing your happiness and not being scared of taking risks. Be wary of doubting yourself - you’re more powerful than you think!
The moon reversed predicts mental clarity or the resolution of conflict. If you are struggling with money, the moon reassures you that these problems will be over soon. In a career reading, the moon reversed promises work stability, happiness, and security.
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